Saturday, September 20, 2008

Life On The Other Side

The placement season has begun and so has the loads of ppts . It was in one such workshop organized by Delloite that I realized something . The speaker was a XLRI gold medalist and he did make the boring topic of emotional intelligence quite interesting . I don't know how much the workshop was useful but there was something which made me write this post .There was some 3 questions which we had to answer at one go writing out the first thought that comes to your mind .

When do you feel the most happy ?
My ans : While playing footer .

When do you feel embarrassed ?
My ans : Whenever I visit my village .

Now wait a moment how did this thought come to me ? Then I thought ya it should have come . I belong to a remote village in Bihar . I left it to pursue my studies when I was very young. But I still have friends there who were not luckier like me . It was not luck but poverty that kept them there . To say the village boasts of a primary school but sometimes there are no teachers or when there are teachers there are no books. The contradiction is strange , Children in town at a particular age start exploring malls , mobiles , amusement parks and childhood ends for some in villages.Either they help parents in the fields or work in quarrys in near by towns , or a small line hotel . Then what happens is hard to think of . Their life becomes stagnant , monotonous and the most shocking thing is they never have no other option. It is really sick when i meet some of my village friends and find that they are waiters in some hotel. Then the realization, the embarrassment comes in . All the education seems worthless at a juncture . How can the system be so cruel that lives of millions of people remains pathetic all through their lives . Some serious thoughts then creep in . Is it worth the effort , are we contributing anything to the society .May be its getting late . It is not something that i can do alone but ya I will certainly make a start.


Moli said...
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Moli said...

Seriously dost ... a question we need to answer to ourselves.
You have initiated the thinking in me already ...
Thank you so much

Sugar said...

yea i agree...i am a city bred person...but have a colleague who is a C.A. who tells me stuff abt how their class romms were under a tree and how they used gunny bags as seats and had fights over them...u are right...the system is very cruel.
Nice blog!

Shivangi Shaily said...

hey! even we witnessed such things very closely, although not as much as u did, but still...and you know what, I feel that 'the gem' out of a person shines only after one has witnessed a variety of misfortunes. So better plz do not feel embarassed of this fact...this is the reality.Change it or face it!