Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle diaries
The story is about a bike trip of an ordinary man. Two medical students on a old bike (La Poderosa 2 ) set out on a long journey which later on becomes a lifetime journey( December 1951 to August 1952 covering Argentina , Chile , Peru , Colombia and Venezuela).

The journey was made when they were still to complete the final year of their medical study. The description of landscapes , culture , valleys , rivers, etc is beautiful. Low on financial resources each day was a struggle and sometimes they had to sleep hungry without bed too.Attcaks of asthama and mosqitoes added to their problems. But these were temporary , the trip opened Che's eyes. He came in close proximity with poverty, with hunger , with disease , with lack of resources and this is wehere he decided to become a revolutionary doctor.

Che was an ordinary man at the starting of the journey but at the end he was a transformed man and this was the starting point of a great revolution.

Eight years after writing The MotorCycle Diaries , Ernesto Che Guevara had become a central figure in Cuba's revolutionay government.After his journey with Alberto Granado , he had travelled again through Latin America , experienced the CIA -backed coup in Guatemala and joined the Cuban revolutionary movement that eventually took power in 1957.

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